Post Pandemic Era Updates — Boston Candid Wedding Photographer

True, we may not be fully “post pandemic”…nor may we ever. These past 2 years have utterly altered our world, and I believe fundamentally (and especially) my little wedding industry. Joy in gathering is still at an all time high, and it has been special beyond words to witness families growing and coming together. Silver + Salt ( aka: me ) has been evolving as well, with many things happening behind the scenes, and thus my blog (and all social media) have taken a backseat. Especially as I have been completely overhauling a new website, set to launch this summer/fall 2022. So, rest assured that while you may not see a recent blog post here, this has been my busiest “season” of all time, and will pass along galleries of all recent weddings. In the meantime, here are a few sneak peaks of my new website ;)

